Achieve your desired profile and shape your jawline and chin!
Kybella is an injectable, FDA-approved treatment to address stubborn fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise. Here at New Medical Spa in Short Pump, VA., we use Kybella to treat double chins, shape a healthy jawline and also address stomach fat.
Kybella’s main ingredient is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. This substance, which is found naturally in your body, is responsible for breaking down and absorbing fat. When the solution is injected into your body, the deoxycholic acid immediately starts destroying fat cell deposits. Once they’re broken down, the cells can’t accumulate fat any longer. Once they’re broken down, the cells can’t accumulate fat any longer.
Kybella can help men and women achieve confidence by treating stubborn fat in the face, chin and stomach. Kybella is a popular, minimally invasive treatment that can be done in approximately 30 minutes. Kybella is a safe and effective treatment that is FDA-approved. Optimal results are achieved with a series of treatments overtime.
This minimally-invasive procedure will help you restore your confidence and treat the fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise. Each treatment plan here at New Medical Spa is full customized to your unique body and goals.

Kybella Quick Facts:
Treatment Areas
- Double Chin
- Jawline
- Stomach Fat
Treatment Benefits
- Non-Invasive
- Minimal Downtime
- Permanent Results
Conditions Treated
Average Treatment Time
- 30 minutes
Kybella Frequently Asked Questions
What is Kybella?
Kybella is a minimally-invasive, FDA-approved injectable used to treat stubborn fat commonly in the chin and stomach. Kybella is used to dissolve fat cells to reduce small areas of excess fat deposits.
How much does Kybella cost?
The cost of treatment can vary based on your treatment plan. We will work with you to determine a plan custom to your goal and budget.
How does Kybella work?
Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occuring bile enzyme in the gut that when injected can permanently destroy fat cells and treat submental fat.
What results can I expect from Kybella?
During a Kybella treatment our providers will map the injection areas and administer a series of injections that many report cause minimal pain. After injection in the coming you can resume daily activities, however there is the possibility to incur moderate swelling for up to a week after treatment. After your initial 2 treatments, you can see results in 5-6 weeks. Results will continuously improve over time up to 12 weeks after treatment.
Is Kybella permanent?
Yes! Kybella permanently kills fat cells. However, remaining fat cells in or around the treatment area can expand is you gain weight which will diminish your results in return.
How many sessions will I need?
Each Kybella treatment session requires multiple injections in the targeted area, and patients typically need a series of treatment sessions to see significant results. The number of sessions needed will be decided upon with a medical provider here at New Medical Spa based on your unique body and goals
How long does treatment take?
Kybella treatments take about 30 minutes and are non-invasive with little to no recovery time.
Is Kybella safe?
YES! Kybella is the only FDA-approved cosmetic injectable to permanently treat submental fat.
Who is Kybella for?
Kybella is for anyone looking to address stubborn fat in the chin or stomach that just won’t go away with diet and exercise.
When can I get treatment?
When can I get treatment?